Who We Are

We are a group of dedicated children and youth striving to have the best relationship with Jesus possible.  Northlake KIDS! focus on our children and youth, building authentic relationships, helping them know Jesus in deeper ways through each other and volunteers at NLC.

We are created, called and challenged to be in relationship to empower children and youth to grow & explore alongside Jesus.

Explore more of our weekly programs to find your child or youth best fit!

The Vineyard

We are always looking for motivated and dedicated volunteers to serve; frequently or as little as once every three months on Thursdays, Sunday and after school programs. If you have a passion in helping us pursue our goals at Northlake KIDS! we would love to hear from you! Contact Katie Katieout@northlakelutheran.org

Children's Ministry

Our children ministry theme this year is from Isaiah 43:2,  "When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you." Our downstairs children ministry has been transformed into an ocean!  No matter the depth, no matter the darkness, no matter the scary sea creatures, no matter the pollution we encounter in our own "ocean" God promise remains true- he is with us always. We are excited to explore this metaphor weekly with the kids and spark imagination for how powerful and loyal God is in our life!

Join us for our weekly Sunday night children's program called The Vineyard. Sundays 5-7

Grades 1st-5th. A new program on Sunday nights designed to engage kids' hearts, strengthen friendships, laugh, learn and play! A safe place for children to come explore spirituality and figure it out along the way. Dinner will be provided. Contact Katie with any questions.

Hallway Decorations
Hallway Decorations
Hallway Decorations

Youth Ministry

Our youth theme this year is from Psalm 25: 4-5.  "Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow."

Middle School and High School is all about figuring things out. Like the saying goes, all who wander are not lost! We are here to help figure spirituality out with a no strings attached philosophy! This is a safe place to question and ask why & how! All are welcome. This year we will explore the different avenues and what they mean to us personally:

  • Emmaus Ave: The Avenue of discipleship ( small groups, youth group, Confirmation)
  • Damascus Ave: The Avenue of conversion and outreach ( volunteering in leadership roles- interns, small group leader)
  • Jericho Ave: The Avenue of service and (volunteering in the community and participating on Sundays.

Join us for our weekly youth group named Rebel-ution. Thursdays 5-7 for grades 6th-12th. This is a safe place to come and be yourself. All are welcome. Rebel-ution is about figuring "it" out as we go - "it" could be faith, spirituality, purpose or anything!  We understand this is not a quick process- it takes years or more AND THAT'S OK! Come eat pizza, play games and connect with friends! 

Game Room Welcome
Game Room

Youth Internships

We have two opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and contribute:


Yearly Interns will participate from September-June meeting once a month as a team planning projects each quarter. This internship is available to 7th-12th graders by completing an application and interview. Selection to participate by demonstrating positive behavior, strong character and other leadership skills in programs throughout the academic year.

Applications will be made available by June 1, 2018

Deadline August 6, 2018


Summer interns will participate in a eight week program designed to develop leadership skills by participating in community service projects, fundraising and community development programs twice a week.  We will end the summer by attending a week long Summer Camp, July 16th-20th, in Idaho called Lutherhaven Servant Adventures where we will serve in community projects and traditional fun camp experiences!

This internship is available to 6th-12th graders by completing an application and interview. Selection to participate by demonstrating positive behavior, strong character and other leadership skills in programs throughout the academic year.

Applications will be made available by April 1, 2018

Deadline May 14th.

Get Connected

Stay Connected this week by our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Sign up for our weekly Northlake Children & Youth Blast! Detailing what to expect and look forward to each week in our various programs.

Sign up for our monthly Children & Youth Newsletter highlighting the months hot topics and reflections.

Check out our archive for past newsletters in......( I have all mine in the One Drive as well)


What To Expect

What to expect @ Rebel-ution!

Youth group meets downstairs this week! Looking forward to catching up after Thanksgiving break.

What to expect this Sunday!

This Sunday we continue the anticipation of Jesus being born as Advent is coming closer into view! We will be discussing this years Christmas Eve service and our production of The Nativity Story! 

What to expect @ The Vineyard!

We will come together share a meal, bake a dessert, Bible study, play games and build friendships! The Vineyard is a safe place for children to ask questions, learn and figure out their own spirituality. All are welcome! Grades 1st-5th! Sundays 5-7. 

Fast Forward

The Nativity Story!: December 24th! @ 5pm!  A candle lit evening of scripture reading & Christmas hymns shared through the Nativity story.


Middle School GO! Night: March 9th. Middle School kids are invited to an all night adventure of fun, games and more! Grades 6th-8th.


Elementary Retreat: March 16th at Camp Lutherwood! Sign up with Katie. Grades 1st-5th. Cost: FREE!


Summer Internship Project:  Applications due by May 14th! Sign up as a summer intern helping practice leadership building skills by fundraising, community service projects and attending a week long camp in Idaho, July 16th-20th. Applications and FAQ will be available soon. Grades 6th-12th.


Who We Are

We are a group of dedicated children and youth striving to have the best relationship with Jesus possible.  Northlake KIDS! focus on our children and youth building authentic relationships, helping them know Jesus in deeper ways through each other and volunteers at NLC.

Our children ministry theme this year is from Isaiah 43:2,  "When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you." Our downstairs children ministry has been transformed into an ocean! No matter the depth, no matter the darkness, no matter the scary sea creatures, no matter the pollution we encounter in our own "ocean" God promise remains true- he is with us always. We are excited to explore this metaphor weekly with the kids and spark imagination for how powerful and loyal God is in our life!

Our youth ministry theme this year is from Psalm 25: 4-5, " 

Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow.


Middle School and High School is all about figuring things out. Like the saying goes, all who wander are not lost! We are here to help figure it out with a no strings attached philosophy! This is a safe place to question and ask why & how! All are welcome. This year we will explore the different avenues and what they mean to us personally:

  • Emmaus Ave: The Avenue of discipleship ( small group, youth group, confirmation information)
  • Damascus Ave: The Avenue of conversion and outreach ( volunteering in leadership roles- interns, small group leader)
  • Jericho Ave: The Avenue of service and (volunteering in the community and participating on Sundays.

Let's Connect!

We are always looking for motivated and dedicated volunteers to serve; frequently or as little as once every three months on Thursdays, Sunday and after school programs. If you have a passion in helping us pursue our goals at Northlake KIDS! we would love to hear from you! Contact Katie anytime 336-528-4378 or by email at Katieout@northlakelutheran.org