Coe Hutchison
Interim Pastor
Greetings! I am Pastor Coe Hutchison and it is my privilege, honor, and joy to serve as Interim Care Pastor for Northlake Lutheran Church. I started in this role on November 27, 2023 and am committed to be with you through at least November 24, 2024. Care Pastor means that my responsibilities include leading worship and preaching and providing pastoral care. Let me tell you a little bit about my background.
I was born and raised in Western Washington. After completing a business degree at the University of Washington, I enjoyed a 30 year career in the business side of the local electric utility industry. I spent most of those years with Snohomish County Public Utility District. After retirement, I felt a call to pursue ordination as a pastor. I received a Master of Divinity degree from Regent College in Vancouver, B.C. I also spent a year at Luther Seminary in Minnesota. Following ordination, I spent a wonderful 10 years pastoring Grace Lutheran Church in Port Townsend, WA, retiring in 2020.
After retirement, my wife Janet and I moved to Mukilteo to be closer to our five grandchildren. We are members at Pointe of Grace Lutheran Church in Mukilteo. We love to travel and hike. This past summer, to celebrate turning 70, we hiked 192 miles across England on the Coast to Coast trail. We loved it—what an adventure! Since retirement I have been doing supply pastor work locally as well as a month in Hawaii, and five weeks in Minnesota. This is my first longer term assignment.
One of my favorite things about being a pastor is building relationships. I look forward to getting to know all of you and hopefully building some deep relationships. I will be reaching out to you to find some time to get to know each other. I am here to serve you in whatever way I can. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me either by e-mail at pastor@northlakelutheran.org or on my cell at 206-369-0606. In closing, let me pray God’s blessing over each and every one of you.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance to you and give you peace.
God bless you,
Pastor Coe

Tom Frodsham
Director of Worship & Community Engagement
Tom was born in Seattle and baptized as a Catholic. His family joined a Lutheran church in Renton when he was 5 years old. The second youngest of five kids (being 9 minutes older than his twin brother), his family was very involved in the church. Eventually he began to help lead worship, both traditional and contemporary.
As a college student majoring in Music and Theater, Tom helped with worship as time allowed. After college he worked as a professional musician, still staying connected to the church. In the 1990’s Tom went to work for the Boeing Company in the Theater Services organization, providing audio visual support. It was during that time that Tom opened a small recording studio, producing a variety of talent on a limited budget and also began working with the “new” pastor finding ways to revitalize the church. After serving as a volunteer for about 10 years, the pastor asked him to consider coming on staff. Tom resisted the call for some time but eventually had a moment of clarity, hearing the call and committing himself to serving Christ through the church.
Tom served that church in Renton for another 6 years, then was led to serve a variety of churches from San Antonio, TX, to Fargo, ND. Churches ranging in size from 30 people in worship to over 10,000 members. About 6 years ago, back in the Northwest he was asked to take on the role of Executive Director at Luther’s Table, a Coffee House and Arts Venue in downtown Renton. It was there that he really got an education in diversity and helped build a beautiful community with folks from all walks of life. Luther’s Table was a place for adults and kids, eventually becoming an after school hang out for students from the local high school, especially kids on the fringes. They discovered at Luther’s Table they were welcome and celebrated for who they were. The six years Tom spent at Luther’s Table ignited a passion for pursuing what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called “Beloved Community” -- people of all different backgrounds, engaging in life together, hearing each other’s stories, discovering those different from us, aren’t so different after all.
It is Tom’s hope that Northlake Lutheran, in working with other people and organizations in the Kenmore/Bothell area, can build a “Beloved Community” where all are embraced and loved for who they are.

Office Manager
Wendy DeLong
Organist & Pianist
Wendy helps selects music and beautifully plays the organ or piano during our worship services.