Ways You Can Turn Prayer into Action
1. Contact your member of Congress. Even if they've already made a statement or taken an action, it's crucial to keep letting them know what is still important to you. One method is through this website.
2. Help bring attention to what's happening in the area. It's certainly not always pleasant to do, but whether it's Gaza, Ukraine, Haiti, Afghanistan, or anywhere else, the more people know, the harder it is for others to turn a blind eye to suffering and atrocities. And, with this current era of potential misinformation, it's always good to compare multiple sources and see if the stories reasonably match.
3. Learn more and lift up others' voices. Find out about the region's history before the conflict or disaster happened; read books and articles or watch videos from people from the area. Learn what's being done to help and how people are coping.
4. Donate to humanitarian relief. Whether you want to help with money for food, medical care, mental health assistance, or another need, there's always something waiting to be done. And remember, be wary of charities that try to rush you into a donation or require you to send money via gift cards. Here's one resource to help you know what common red flags are for charity scams: https://consumer.ftc.gov/features/donating-safely-and-avoiding-scams
5. Stand up against hatred and racism. It's hard and terrifying, but remember that we are all human, and conflicts and wars always have innocent victims. Many people in opposing countries, religions, and political ideologies are just trying to live in peace. Demonizing others hurts all of us.
Suggestions for Charitable Donations:
American Friends Service Committee: https://secure.afsc.org/a/gazaer?ms=WEB24NB1010PI
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/take-action/#ways-to-give
Lutheran Disaster Response: https://tinyurl.com/ELCADonateGaza
Doctors Without Borders: https://tinyurl.com/Donate2MSF
Lutheran World Relief: https://lwr.org/
Global Refuge: https://www.globalrefuge.org/get-involved/ways-to-give/
UNICEF: https://www.unicefusa.org/
American Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/donations/where-your-money-goes.html
World Central Kitchen: https://wck.org/
Additional Helpful Websites: