Youth Internships

We have two opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and contribute: 

Yearly Interns:

Yearly Interns will participate from September-June meeting once a month as a team planning projects each quarter. This internship is available to 7th-12th graders by completing an application and interview. Selection to participate by demonstrating positive behavior, strong character and other leadership skills in programs throughout the academic year.

Youth Staff Applications available by  June 1, 2018 

Deadline August 6, 2018

Summer Interns:

Summer interns will participate in a eight week program designed to develop leadership skills by participating in community service projects, fundraising and community development programs twice a week.  We will end the summer by attending a week long Summer Camp, July 16th-20th, in Idaho called Lutherhaven Servant Adventures where we will serve in community projects and traditional fun camp experiences!

This internship is available to 6th-12th graders by completing an application and interview. Selection to participate by demonstrating positive behavior, strong character and other leadership skills in programs throughout the academic year.

Summer Interns Applications available by April 1, 2018

Deadline May 14, 2018

For more information check out our internship brochure or contact Katie.