Transition Team Goals

Foundations of a Strategic Plan
Goals proposed by NLC Transition Team based on Congregational Input

A healthy congregation is financially sustainable
--Beginning in the Fall of 2023, financial information will be consistently distributed to the congregation in a transparent and accessible manner.
--By January 2026, Imagine is a distinct 501(c)(3) that employs an Executive Director that takes on the current role of Northlake’s Director of Community Engagement, with salary being shared between Imagine and Northlake Lutheran Church.
--By the end of 2025, unrestricted income exceeds expenses as measured using a 6 month
rolling average.
--Create a year-round stewardship emphasis with an annual financial pledge drive. The total amount of congregation giving will increase each year by 10% through the end of 2028.

A healthy congregation empowers leadership committed to a shared vision
--Northlake will promote trust, transparency, communication, and accessibility between leadership and the congregation committees.
--By 2024, the council creates a process for raising up, equipping, empowering, and celebrating congregational leaders.
--By 2025, develop a clear organizational structure including job descriptions for staff, council, committees, and liaisons to user community groups.

A healthy congregation encourages joyful creativity
--By 2024, foster a worship and music environment that invites and celebrates creativity.
--2024, build relationships within the congregation and the community through creative offerings that are generated by the congregation and community members.


A healthy congregation fosters spiritual growth
--By mid-2024, create opportunities to engage the community spiritually.
--By 2024 offer opportunities that include Biblical and theological studies, faith exploration, and bearing witness to each other.
--Continuously evaluate and experiment with worship to increase its impact on the congregation and visitors.

A healthy congregation has a rich congregational life that is representative of the community
--Increase fellowship opportunities for the congregation to at least two per month by communicating and celebrating congregational life, intentionally “growing younger”, and living out our faith together.
--By 2025 regularly have programming in the community that engages and builds relationships with a variety of demographic groups.

A healthy congregation lives out its faith by partnering with and responding to the needs of the community
--By May of 2024, identify community partners and community needs
--By 2024, develop a process for inviting and including community volunteers in congregational related ministries.
--By 2024, together with community partners Northlake will plan and provide at least quarterly community gatherings to address community needs.