We welcome you with open arms and warm hearts, hoping you will come not only to be changed in worship with us, but also to bring change, so that we can grow and change together.
We are created, called, and challenged to be in relationship with...
Greetings! What a wonderful time to be present here at Northlake Lutheran Church. A time of renewal. Of rebirth. Of regeneration.
We welcome you with open arms and warm hearts, hoping you will come not only to be changed in worship with us, but also to bring change, so that we can grow and change together.
We are a Redevelopment Congregation. What does that mean? We ourselves are still figuring that out. We know that it means we are intentionally choosing new life and new paths, searching for where God is calling us. We are rethinking what it means to be church.
We are entering into faith formation practices, probing within so that we may be renewed and energized to explore outside our own walls.
Come explore with us.
In Christ,
Pastor Anja Helmon
What to expect
When you visit Northlake, you will first find a warm, small community with a beautiful mix of diverse personalities. As you get to know us, and as you allow us to get to know you, you will find strong faith and deep desire to be present. Present with each other, present with our neighbors, and present to where the Holy Spirit is leading us.
Keeping Christ at our center, we strive to fulfill the Greatest Commandment of all, by serving and loving all.
Worshiping Sundays at 10am
In worship, we gather weekly to hear God's word, pray for others both locally and globally, celebrate a meal at which all are welcome, and be sent as God's beloved servants into the world. In worship, we practice a way of life we are meant to live every day: a way of life which welcomes and loves all; which feeds the hungry; cares for others; lifts up the world in prayer; and sees God’s image in everyone.
At Northlake Lutheran Church, we worship with elements of ancient tradition and modern interpretation. We follow a liturgy used for hundreds of years, often with new words and music. We listen carefully to scripture and ask hard questions. We wait in moments of silence and rejoice at the voices of children. You are welcome to worship in this place, exactly as you are.
Children & youth are encouraged to sit together in the front row before being dismissed after Kids Time. We will return to the Sanctuary during communion to their family. Youth are encouraged to help in the service with media, greeters, Kids Time, and ushering! Nursery and comfort room available. Check out our Northlake KIDS! page for more information.